PETER SCHOLL-LATOUR (9 March 1924 – 16 August 2014)

PETER SCHOLL-LATOUR (9 March 1924 – 16 August 2014)

… one of Germany’s longest-serving journalists (German Middle East analyst) has passed away in August.
From 1948, Scholl-Latour studied in the city of Mainz and then the Sorbonne in Paris where he earned a degree in political science.
After the war he became a newspaper and broadcast correspondent, traveling extensively throughout Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

He was a reporting legend and could explain the world to us and i deeply respect the quality of his work.

An earlier book “DEATH IN THE RICE FIELDS” is one of my favorite books of him.
Based on 30 years of experience he gives intimate descriptions of the people of indochina, their religions and ideologies.

(He sold 1.3 million copies)



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